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iBodyFat 1.2.0 Released

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What’s New in Version 1.2.0 – Added an average (mean) percentage column to the data table – Added a line graph showing relative drops in body fat percentage, weight and BMI. – Added the ability to modify the date that a measurement was taken in the data table (after the fact), in case you are

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iBodyFat 1.1.0 Released

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A free upgrade for existing users, version 1.1.0 of iBodyFat, the body fat percentage tracking software, has been released today. Details: – Added a preference of either imperial or metric for entering measurements when creating a person. – Any previously created persons will continue to use imperial for new measurements. – Updated the user interface

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Track your body fat percentage

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iBodyFat is an application which calculates your body fat percentage and keeps a log of your results. Two different calculations are presented for each measurement made. The body fat percentage formulas used by iBodyFat are girth body fat calculations invented by the U.S. Navy, and professional body builder and writer Hugo Rivera. For taking girth

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