In spite of the fact that there’s nothing but colder weather ahead for the next few months in the northern regions of the world, it’s important to replace your outdoor activities with winter sports or at least some gym time. And while you might think a little bit of winter fat might help keep you warm, it probably shouldn’t be a goal, especially if you gain more than you can lose. How many people do you think will subscribe for a gym membership next January, and how many do you think will still be going by March? The answer: lots, and much less. On that note, there’s no time like the present and presently it is the perfect time to start (or to keep going if you haven’t yet stopped).
If you, like me, are among the subset of an already smaller group of people who have continued to cycle to work in November, make sure to keep safe. It gets dark outside earlier so don’t depend on your reflectors for cars to see you; get something electronically powered. Now I’m guilty of donning a toque instead of a safety helmet, but what you should really do is find a creative way to keep your ears and face warm while wearing your safety gear.
So besides my advice, how else am I helping you for these fall and winter months? Well, there are new and improved versions of Foods and Moods and iBodyFat waiting for review in the Mac App Store as we speak, meaning they should be available within the next two weeks or so. I have also began work on the next version of iKeepActive, so stay tuned!