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Home Releases Foods and Moods 1.1.0 Released

Foods and Moods 1.1.0 Released

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This release adds printing support, PDF export, mood ratings and many user interface improvements:

  • Improved hi-res multiresolution icons.
  • Added the ability to print or export to PDF, to allow you to show your log to your doctor or dietician.
  • Added the ability to rate moods from 1-10.
  • Added average (mean) rating of your logged moods to the summary.
  • Added a prominent help button to the toolbar.
  • Updated the Add Mood dialog with rating and the other fields.
  • The summary view is now docked as a left panel instead of a toggled floating window.
  • Fixed some bugs with calculating the summary.
  • Moved the data filter (past 7 days, 30 days and all time) to the toolbar.
  • The filter is now also for the meals and moods views, not just for the summary.
  • Fixed a bug which caused multiple duplicates to be added to the available moods drop-down box. Previous computers which have duplicates will have the dupes removed after upgrading Foods and Moods and running it once.
  • Updated the documentation.

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