The lastest update for iKeepActive fixes the issue with the Calendar app not being able to run iKeepActive when your scheduled activities are due on their calendar date, a limitation introduced in Mountain Lion. This version also supports previous versions of OSX, Lion and Snow Leopard. Some new features were also added. This update has

OSX Mountain Lion
OSX Mountain Lion has been released the other day, which unfortunately disables support for iCal running scripts. Therefore if you have Mountain Lion and iKeepActive or iKeepActive Lite it will open the script instead of running it when your exercises are due. Please click the run button in the Applescript editor when it pops up.

Win iKeepActive in Twitter Contest
The first 10 eligible Twitter users to publicly tweet #giveaway @iKeepActive and provide a link to these rules will receive a free copy of iKeepActive, the workout scheduling and calorie counting software for Mac OSX. If you don’t own a Mac, then win a copy for your friend. The free copies of iKeepActive (each of

iKeepActive and iKeepActive Lite updates
Both iKeepActive and iKeepActive Lite have been updated to 1.2.1 and 1.1.1 respectively. The updates includes fixes for minor bugs from the last release, as well as more visible help: – Added a prominently visible Help button on the toolbar which opens up iKeepActive’s full documentation. – Fixed Import/Export user-defined activities for users who have

Back in the Mac App Store
After voluntarily pulling out from the Mac App Store on Monday night, iKeepActive is now back in the store for sale. Version 1.1.1 has all the great new features from 1.1.0 without any of the issues. Buy now or upgrade for free at the regular place:

iKeepActive Temporarily Pulled
Due to recent reports of issues with the new version of iKeepActive 1.1.0, released on January 5th, the application has been voluntarily pulled out from the Mac App Store, to ensure quality to my customers. My apologies for the inconvenience to existing users who have upgraded to or purchased iKeepActive 1.1.0, there will be a

Holiday Sale
Got a new Mac for the holidays and need some apps, or just want new apps for your current Mac? iKeepActive and related apps are having a holiday sale. These deals will only last until new year’s. Get your copies now! iKeepActive is priced at 33% off until the end of 2011. iKeepActive

Calories: whether to count or not, we’ve got you covered.
There are dozens of websites out there and even some desktop software that will help you count Calories burned by exercise. This could be very useful and convenient, but how much do you know about it? The first question one might ask is, how accurate is it? Well, the answer is complicated. Some counters claim

New Site
The iKeepActive website is now powered by WordPress, the blogging engine. The front page of the site now contains the iKeepActive blog. This blog is about updates for iKeepActive. You can find development status, upcoming discounts or anything related to fitness scheduling. For quick format, follow @iKeepActive on twitter. You may still access content from