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Home Releases iKeepActive 1.2.2 Released

iKeepActive 1.2.2 Released

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It has been a long time in waiting (especially long for OS X Mountain Lion users), but the latest version of iKeepActive has been approved by Apple, and is now available in the Mac App Store now. The release focus is on Mountain Lion Fixes, but other features and improvements have also been added so updating is recommended for everyone on 64-bit Intel Macs.

– Added a new mechanism for tracking when scheduled activities are due in Mountain Lion.
– For earlier versions of OS X, the Applescript system is still used for tracking due activities.
– Added support for retiring scheduled activities. This allows you to remove an activity from your calendar while still keeping the history for tracking purposes. Retired activities can be re-scheduled.
– Rearranged the flow of information on the Summary View for ease of the new user.
– Added 4 more available activities.
– Quite possibly one of the last versions to support Snow Leopard and Lion, so get it while you can.
– Dropped support for 32-bit.

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